Fast 18/40 – Reproach & Washer and Dryer Story

I almost fell and broke the fast yesterday. But, Bless God I had the grace to keep going. He did poitn me to making smoothies out of fruit. I went and bought the fruit and a blender and when Laura came home, she told me that she had the same thought herself.

It’s raining. Funny. Cause, we are in a severe drought. Today, we move the family, and it’s raining. This is a wonderful time to show our Father’s love. We shall pray (I already did), and the rain will stop. Bless God.

I met with Ellen and Marge yesterday. We had a good talk, and I can see that Ellen has an awesome spirit. She also really knows Jesus. There is something there on the job front, perhaps. We all agreed to keep praying about it.

God is still distant from me. I do not understand these seasons, but I am asking for why I am a reproach now. I am trying to find the job. I am trying to love Laura. Am I not doing well with the kids?

No matter what, I trust Him. He is in control.

I must have more of Him. I must.

Father, how can I get more? Pour Yourself into me.

Thank You, Jesus.


Laura had a God thing happen yesterday. She has been looking for a new washer and dryer. We all went shopping last Sunday, and I quickly saw that LG was the barnd to get. Well, they are also quite expensive. So, Laura shopped frigidaire adn GE models that she liked and were priced right. but, they didnt have the frigiidaire dryer so the guy was going to give her the more expensive GE for the same price. When she went back yesterday to buy them, they were out of stock. Well, Laura was monkeying around looking at the LG models on the floor while the salesperson was trying to sort out the stock issue. He asked laura if she liked those, and she said yes. Well, he goes away for quite a while and comes basck telling her that she could have those for 100 more than the other brands which was a huge deal. Bless God. he setit up for her to get the best at a great price.

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