Master Builder

I want to tell you about a home builder I know. He’s not like those builders we see today. They build the same structure over and over.

He only builds custom homes. And, He puts all He has into His work. No cookie cutter approach. He gives all He has in terms of His time. He spares no expense nor does He cut corners.

He is the Master Carpenter and whatever changes need to happen in your home, He can make them happen. He is a Master Remodeler too. When your home has been damaged, He can fix it.

He is never late. He finishes what He starts. He wont let you down. He takes great care, and you can share all of your concerns with Him.

Yes, you could say He loves His work.

He is experienced. He has been building homes and preparing places for people for more than 2,000 years. But, He never sleeps nor does He slumber.

His resources are infinite. He builds with and for abundance. He has lots of helpers.

He knows all and holds it all together. Everything that is was made through Him and for Him. He loves His work enough to die for it.

Even for the houses He has yet to build, He give all He has and is. No has given so much, endured so much, cared so much, loved so much.

And, when the storms come against His homes, they dont fall – they stand. His foundation work is strong – like a rock.

You see my Master Carpenter Home Builder is King of all home builders. His great care is motivated only by love. For it is work. And, why wouldnt it be. He lives in every home He builds.



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