Tabernacle and the Local Church

The Lord is building His church in a really amazing light. Kimberly is going to give me the details of her study, but the gist of it is that the churches that we see are representative of the tabernacle and how God was approached in the OT. The megachurch represents the outer area, and it is where the masses aproached the temple. The smaller churches like Daystar represent the holy of the holies and how one can get right in the presence of God. Now, this is my remembrance of what was explained and needs further elaboration and redoing, but the overall idea is that God is building up churches that represent specific functions and sections of His plans for the temples/tabernacles.

This really lines up well with what I got last week on how the church needs to come together as a single body with each member serving one another. The megas save the souls and feed the equipping/discipling churches like Daystar, which bring people into a closer union with Christ.

Something big is happening here. I just know it.

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