Threshing Floor

God, I want to steward Your leadings better. Please forgive me for all of the times I let fear, man or anything else get in the way of immediate obedience. I yield to Your Lordship now!

  1. You have ways of fulfilling the call and purpose to my life. How would You like to do that?
  2. You have ways of me being healthy, losing weight and taking care of myself. How would You like to do that?
  3. You have ways for Jen and I to fulfill the call to Montrose and the ministry You gave us. How would You like to do that?
  4. You have ways of finance and money for our lives. How would You like to do that?
  5. You have ways for us to be in community. How would You like to do that?
  6. You have ways for my ministry to operate in great signs, as You have spoken. How would You like to do that?
  7. You have ways for us to hang out together. How would You like to do that?

God, You alone are above everything, including my life. I take You out of all boxes that I put You in.

I repent of my ways and choose Your ways.

Please give me the grace to quickly follow Your leadings. I chose You above all else.

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