Redemption Plan, part 1 (emailed to Laura)

Thank you for an awesome birthday and for just being close again. It was nice.
Thank you also for standing up and supporting me with your mom and that fear thing/diabetes thing with Jordan. That said a lot, and I noticed.

I hope that you are encouraged. I know that we have a long way to go, but perhaps we made a small step in the right direction.

There are a few thoughts in my head that I want to run by you to see how they sit.

When God heals things in the Bible, there seems to be a pattern to what the people did.

1)      Confession – agreeing with God & man of wrongs done
2)      Repentance – change of mind and action going forward
3)      Forgiveness – release from debt
4)      Restitution – repayment if appropriate and possible
5)      Grace to go forward

Do these all sound right?

If so, what do you think about us looking at ourselves and listing all the stuff that we need to confess, repent of, etc. and get our slates clean with each other so that God can give us grace to move forward?

I will leave it wide open for you to ask the Holy Spirit on what needs to be confessed, repented, etc. It’s up to you and God.

My hope is that we can find healing and cleansing from a lot of the junk still out there.

Maybe we should take like real little steps. If you agree with this, bring 3 things (any 3, big, small or whatever) that you want to appropriate to this and to Jesus.
I will do the same, and will just continue until there is nothing left to deal with.

Let me know what you think.

Maybe we could get together once  a week to go over this and pray.

This is my .02 on a plan for moving ahead.

Be with it and God, and let me know what you think.

I LOVE you.

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